# # You should change the above to: # # # # These are the keywords from the article http://freebsddiary.org/smtp-remote.php which deals # with using smtp from remote locations. Choose your own keywords that you would use if you # wanted to search for your article using, say, http://www.google.com/. # # If you are unsure what to do with a particular set of instructions, just leave it unmodified # and I'll complet that section for you. # # Thank you. # # Dan Langille 5 June 2001 // $ArticleID = 184; echo "set article id"; require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/include/common.php"); require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/include/freebsddiary.php"); require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/include/databaselogin.php"); diary_Start($ArticleTitle, "", "FreeBSD, ### fill in the keywords for this article ###"); echo "fill in keywords"; diary_MainTableStart(); diary_BannerArticleHeader($ArticleTitle, $ArticleDate, $commentTableName, $Forum_ID, $ArticleID, $db); ?>
### This is the first section of the article. The section title above will be stored in the database so you don't need to store it here. This is where your text goes. Everything in one section goes here. Use
to create paragraphs. The next### This is the second section of the article. Fill in the title above. This is where your text goes. For each section, repeat everything between diary_BannerSection and the second /tr below. ###